it's 18C, why aren't you here?
yesterday was a great day of climbing! we met up with eric (used to climb at oasis, switched to rockheads and then moved away) who's down for a week on his own. he pitched his tent nearby to help us amalgamate all the ontarians into one place.... also taking over some really great real estate. we've got a great spot - i believe i'm camping on page 18 of the dr.topo guide for hp40, we can climb within sight of the tent.
starting on the 26th, the place really filled up. we woke up yesterday to be surrounded by people. we have new jerseyans on one side, quebecois on the other and a few cute little sharma-wannabe children across the road.
it was my best climbing day so far, i sent the problem that was my project last year on the first try, and then also sent something that i tried last year but couldn't get. i'm pretty sore and my tips are shot though, hence the rest day. since it was so sunny and warm yesterday, the friction on the rock was great. though it's warm out today, i don't think the friction will be the best since it was overcast and foggy this morning. the sandstone really holds the moisture.
the pics of my send are on eric's camera and he won't let me have them. here's a pic of my celebration instead:
today's pictorial sequence is eric on the Lowdown - the lowest low-balley lowball that horsepens has to offer:
keep your ass off the ground:
0 Comments?????? They're all just jealous of the rock humpin action. 18 degrees is mighty fine weather for it too.
Glad you have some company at last! Now you can make music together with those empty bottles of dirtbag chardonnay!
Give er!
7:43 AM
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