after 4 years of dreaming, i'm finally doing it... quitting my stable corporate job, and hitting the road on a solo climbing trip. from the countdown to the big move out west... here we go!

Monday, December 19, 2005

southern hospitality

one week of dirtbagging and i still haven't camped. anne and troy have really made me feel comfortable and have been wonderfully hospitable during my stay.

today we went to looking glass - a large granite dome here in brevard, NC. it's mostly known for it's slabbity-slab-slab run out trad multi pitch, but we top roped a wall that could be nice bolted sport routes if they did that sort of thing there.

here's a pic of troy demonstrating the angle of the rock:looking glass was great. so slabby - i was doing lots of hand-facing-down sloper moves. freaky! but the friction is great so i was really able to get a feel for the rock on top rope. the hike is about 45 minutes uphill, which was a great warm up.

back to rumbling bald tomorrow....


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