after 4 years of dreaming, i'm finally doing it... quitting my stable corporate job, and hitting the road on a solo climbing trip. from the countdown to the big move out west... here we go!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

project alert!

yesterday started off slow. i was so sore from the first day of climbing and was pretty much scared to climb again lest i may injure myself. more importantly, i was feeling kind of lazy. we sat around the campsite in the morning and were both unmotivated. then i talked to someone in passing (note to self, always talk to people in passing) and found that his group was not going to use their reservations for the day. we have to leave. right now!
they kindly drove over to the park with us to transfer the reservation to us. we're going to climb! we proceded to the warm up boulders where i furthered my quest to be lazy and unmotivated. i tried a few of the easy easy problems and just didn't feel on. i was a bit shakey and nervous and told john it was going to have to be a Very Easy Day. we met a nice guy at the warm up boulders who has been a climbing vagabond for the last seven years, and he came with us to the mushroom boulder.
the guys started to work a problem that i was sure was over my level, and i proceeded to wander around looking for Very Easy problems in the sun. i sat, i climbed, i sat a bit more. finally the urge to climb hit me. by now there are three guys in our group - john, and two guys we've added to our group along the way. one of them kindly suggested a few Very Easy problems for me to go do. i looked at what they were working and said that no, i'd like to try this one. my mood improved triple-fold when i stuck the opening moves on the first try - the guys had been working this move for a while and i was able to do it statically. not that it matters since heaven forbid i compare myself to them, but it just felt great to be able to keep up. i had heard that hueco is sandbagged, but i seem to be able to climb at my normal grade level. i worked through a few other moves on the problem and am leaving it for a later date.

above: adam (a different adam and the fourth adam i've met on this trip) is fixing the pads since we had to stack them for me to even get on the problem....

bear down and then control the move to cross over to the next move. that's the move i have to get next...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that looks like Center Murray...sweet problem! Good luck, hope you tick it.


2:30 PM


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