after 4 years of dreaming, i'm finally doing it... quitting my stable corporate job, and hitting the road on a solo climbing trip. from the countdown to the big move out west... here we go!

Friday, December 09, 2005

first post

It's surreal... overwelming and time is going by far too quickly.

Starting a blog before I hit the road. There's nothing to talk about just yet. How about an agenda?

I have no agenda, just a bit of money in the bank, no obligations and a car that really wants to drive all over creation on the way to BC.

Hoping to spend the first night just 3 hours away in Pennsylvania, visiting my friend Eryn. After that it's a night in West Virginia, hopefully the next day climbing in WV as well, and then it's off to North Carolina to visit my friend Anne.
Conveniently enough, Anne is very close to a hella lot of rock. She and I crank for a week together and then it's family time for the holidays. My family (Damian) is flying down on Christmas day, we'll spend a week together in Georgia and Alabama. Then a few other friends (Paul and Jo, perhaps more that haven't confirmed yet) will be down over new years and the week following.

Then Damian leaves. Expect some sad posting around then.

The rest of the time is open. I know it seemed strange to claim having no agenda and then provide day-by-day detail for the first few weeks. Fear not, there's no agenda after that. Perhaps I'll kick around in the SE states for another month and then head to the Red River Gorge (*drool*) for March. Maybe I'll drive to Potrero Chico for a while and then to Hueco Tanks. Otherwise I'm hoping to stop in Arkansas (Horseshoe Canyon is the name of the climbing area there, I believe.) on the way to Hueco. If I make it to Hueco, it's just a hop skip and a jump to BC.

Yes, I am embarking on this roadtrip by myself. Yes, I'm just a tad bit scared and yes, mom, I promise to be as safe as I can and not make eye contact. :)


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